Friday, April 27, 2012

Tomorrow is the Big Day

It is finally here. I take the MCAT tomorrow. Hopefully all of the studying will pay off. Am I nervous? A little. But I figure if I don't know it, oh well. I'm just hoping for a decent enough score to get accepted into a school I would enjoy being at and that will help me be a successful doctor. At this point, I know I'll be fine. Even if I don't get a good score, I can figure something out. It is very difficult for a person like me to look good on paper. I just hope someone sees something that makes them want to get to know me.

Other things going on in my life:
-Dance auditions for next season are in about an hour. I'm excited to be reunited with all the girls and interested to learn more about our new coach.
-I am not competing in track this weekend because of my test, but our conference meet is next week. I am only about ten feet from making it to the national competition even with my back injury. Makes me wonder how good I could have been if I hadn't been injured all season. 
-Today was the last day of classes; finals are next week. I only have three, all on Tuesday. Not really concerned about them. I am at a point in my life where I am really beginning to notice what things actually matter. Don't sweat the small stuff. 

Other than that, it's same old, same old. Really excited for summer. Can't wait for all this stress to be gone. Although my calendar for summer is already starting to fill up. Oops. I mean, could you expect anything else from me? I can't wait to go to the doctor and get fixed and get healthy and start training again. 

As always, thanks for reading!

Matthew 6:27-Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

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