Wednesday, July 22, 2015

And There Goes My 2nd Year of Grad School

Wow! 5 months since my last post. My apologies. It has been a wild ride. Unfortunately I can't spend too much time on this post before getting back to work but I know a lot of you are wondering what I've been up to. So, I will very briefly catch you up with what my life has been like this year so far.

I finished up classes in May and have been putting all my time and effort into research since then. I've actually become more busy without classes, but I'm glad they are over. My first seminar was in April and it went pretty well for my first one. I'd like to improve on answering questions from the audience, but that will come with time. I've been working many, many hours collecting data, reading literature, and helping write manuscripts and grants. Even when I'm not in lab, you can usually find me working on my computer at home. It does get stressful, but I know it will all be worth it in the end. I have my first committee meeting next week, which I am both anxious about and looking forward to. After that, I will be doing a lot of writing and continuing to work on my project. I am hoping to take my qualifying exams early next year.

In April, Chris, Ellie, and I were able to travel back to the Midwest to help our friends celebrate two weddings and see our families. The visit at each destination was short, but was totally worth the 40+ hours we (mostly Chris) drove that week. It was wonderful to be a part of our friends' special days and to visit our loved ones. We have also had quite a few visitors over the past few months, and it was great to host some of our closest friends and family members. I also made a last minute trip up north for the 4th of July, which is always a good time.

In June, I attended my first research conference as a graduate student in Denver. Although I was not able to present my research, I plan on presenting at conferences in the future. I learned so much and got to check out a new city (I'd only driven through it before); it was a very successful trip.

We've had Ellie for 6 months now, and I still can't believe she's mine forever. She has brought so much joy to my life and I'm so glad we adopted her.  She is quite a character. She still can be quite stubborn, but I wouldn't have it any other way. She is a beagle, after all.

As you can imagine, it has been difficult for me to keep up with things outside of work, but I'm doing the best I can to maintain some balance. I try to fit in exercise whenever I can and have really been focusing on eating right. I finally hit my goal weight this week and have officially lost 20 lbs since I started my weight loss journey last August. I would like to continue working on my strength and endurance.

I am so thankful for the people in my life. It is very difficult for me to not have time to keep in touch or continue to build relationships like I want to, but I am lucky to have the most caring, supportive, and understanding family and friends to have my back during this journey. I cannot thank you enough. Know that you are appreciated.

That is really all I have time for. I will try my best not to let so much time pass before my next post! As always, thanks for reading. God bless.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Well Hello, 2015

Where does the time go?

I'll just dive right in. I finished up last semester well with some successful presentations and all A's! Even more exciting, this is my last semester of classes! When I complete my current courses, I will be able to focus full time on my research. I had a wonderful break between semesters. My parents and sister visited me and we had a wonderful time. Although short, I was very grateful to have the break.

I have made some pretty big changes since my last post. A huge thing for me was that I bought a new (used) car! It is the first big purchase I have made on my own, and I absolutely love it. The peace of mind that comes with driving a car that I don't have to worry about breaking down on me at any minute has greatly decreased my stress. With so many things going on in my life, it was a much needed change!

Another exciting part of my life began on December 29th when Chris and I added a new member to our family! We rescued our 4-year-old beagle, Ellie from the shelter. She was already house/crate trained when we got her, and she is very smart. She has learned so many things already. We are working to take care of her allergies, but other than that she is settling in quite nicely. She does have a stubborn side, but she's so adorable it is impossible to get mad at her. She loves being outside, smelling everything, and chasing anything that moves. She also loves car rides! She is very food-motivated and likes to get into things she isn't supposed to. She doesn't bark often, but her typical beagle bark comes out when there is a stranger at the door or she sees another dog. When we aren't playing outside or with her toys, she likes to sleep. As a matter of fact, she is snoring next to me right now. I'm so happy we adopted her and still can't believe I get to keep her!

Classes so far this semester have been going well. I am taking a course on Non-coding RNAs and a Grant Writing class. I will also have to give my first seminar in April. Wish me luck! Lab has been busy as usual. I am slowly but surely beginning to make some progress. I've had some late nights, but I know it will all be worth it.

I may have gotten a bit off track for a while with my health goals, but I have recently gotten back on track and was able to maintain my weight throughout the holidays. I have lost 13 pounds since I began taking my health seriously in August. I seemed to hit a plateau after correcting my eating and trying to fit exercise in when I could, so I re-evaluated my goals. I realized that I really want to get stronger and that I'm going to have to kick up my exercise a level to continue to lose weight and tone up. I have started to attend fitness classes at the gym, and Ellie and I have been going on runs together. I'm really looking forward to the progress I'm going to be making over the next few months.

My last bible study was absolutely amazing. The Best Yes by Lysa Terkeurst is a wonderful book and I would highly recommend it. Our current study started this week-we are reading Keep it Shut by Karen Ehman, a study in which we focus on using our words for good and "taming our tongues". As always, I'm looking forward to growing with such a wonderful group of ladies.

I think that's all I have for now. Looking forward to what the future holds! God is good! Thanks for reading and for your continued support on this journey through life!