Sunday, August 26, 2012

One Week Down

I survived the first week of school. It was kind of annoying to have to go to so many meetings, but classes weren't too bad. I have determined that I will be able to combine the projects for two of my classes, so that is a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. Luckily I haven't had too much homework to worry about, so my weekend was pretty relaxing. I'm still trying to figure out what my research project is going to be though. I also need to start getting my Honors project moving. My online class is supposed to start tomorrow. I almost forgot I was taking an online class, but I don't think it should be too difficult. My workouts have been going pretty well. I'm still concerned with my back but I am taking it one day at a time. I am going home next weekend for the holiday, and may be going to the water park and zoo. It should be a good time. I don't think I have much else to add. Last week went by pretty fast, so I'm thinking this year will probably fly by. I'm ready to graduate, but am doing everything I can to enjoy my last year here. As always, thanks for reading. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with my posts this year! God bless.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Back to School...Again

Well class starts tomorrow. Luckily I only have one class, but I'm still not feeling ready to begin another semester. My room in my apartment is pretty much finished. I had to find some pretty creative ways to fit all of my belongings in and organize it the way I want. Now that I'm settled and have enjoyed my weekend with some of my friends, it is time to get back to business. I have an insanely busy week ahead of me with class, work, and meetings. It is definitely going to be crazy. The GRE last week went well. I now have to ask for some recommendations and start applying to PhD programs. I also need to get started on my Honors Project soon. I don't see many outside projects getting started this week, but hopefully once I can get into some kind of groove with my schedule I'll be able to work on them. I don't really have much else to add, so as always, thanks for reading!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Wrap-Up

Things have gotten a little busy as school is quickly approaching. I move in to my new apartment this Friday. I am slightly excited, but I don't think it has hit me yet. I am definitely not looking forward to having to go back to class, but I would like to get this year over with.

Work has been a great experience. I have absolutely loved working as a zip line tour guide, and am so glad I had this opportunity. I am pretty sad I only have one more day of work. I met so many different people and definitely had some challenges along the way. I got the opportunity to experience everything from little children being terrified and having to encourage them to providing a great tour experience to someone with a mental disability. This job really was a blessing. Plus, I was earning money while having fun!

Besides working and packing, I have been studying for the GRE, which I take Thursday. I will be taking a practice test today to see how close I am to my desired score. I'm trying not to worry too much about it. I may feel anxious about getting into graduate school sometimes, but then I just have to remember that God will lead me down the path that He has chosen for me and all I really need to concern myself with is honoring Him.

My brother did move in with us last week, and it has been a little different. We now have five vehicles outside the house and we have another person to share the bathroom with. It has been nice to be able to see him though.

I've got quite a few busy days ahead. I better go take that practice test. Thanks for reading!