Sunday, May 27, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

Hello all. I've been settling in at home for the summer. I am alone at home all day throughout most of the week, so I have a lot of time to think. Not always a good thing. My newest thoughts are that I should apply to graduate school this fall. If you have been following my posts, you know I have gone back and forth with whether to try to get into an MD/PhD program, go into medical school, or apply to graduate school. As much as I thought MD/PhD was the way to go, I'm beginning to think that maybe it isn't the best thing for me. I have not had much research experience, so it would not be easy for me to get in. I was planning on taking a year or two to do research with the NIH, but there is really no way I can count on actually getting into a lab. Plus there is no way I want to live in Baltimore, so I would be moving twice within a couple years. It is starting to seem like graduate school may be a more stable option. I will still be able to do all the research I want to, and I kind of realized that patient interaction is something I really enjoy, but it isn't necessarily a huge part of my career goals. I am interested in learning about Alzheimer's disease in and out so I can help find a prevention. I don't think that seeing patients could really complement my research. I believe I can still get the motivation and enjoyment from working with patients through volunteer work, and devote more of my time to the research required to tackle the disease. Plus, once we do eliminate it, I don't think I will have any trouble finding a new disease to work toward eradicating with my fascination with the human brain and body. I do wish I would have figured all this out before I took the MCAT, and even before I picked my school for undergraduate study, but I've learned a lot from this whole process, and nothing is set quite yet. I will get my MCAT scores this week, and who knows if I will actually need them, but taking the exam was definitely an experience. I need to start looking into taking the GRE so I can apply to graduate school before the end of the year. Hopefully I'll have things mostly figured out before graduation. Only one more year. Kind of weird.

Other than all the thinking I've been doing, I have been doing a lot of reading (of all types-Mom bought me a Nook). I have also applied as a zip line tour guide for the summer and have an interview at the end of the upcoming week. I'm also planning on starting to volunteer at definitely one and possibly another senior center. I will be continuing with the one I have been volunteering with, and the one I am looking into specializes in memory care. I can't wait to get back to volunteering.

I have also been going to physical therapy for my back injury (finally) and am learning so much about my body (my physical therapist likes to point out my weaknesses). Not only am I recovering from my injury, but I am also becoming a stronger athlete. My physical therapist is really helping me strengthen every part of my body that I am confident will help me become a much better thrower. I am really excited about the progress I've made and can't wait to see how I improve!

I think that is all I have for now. I'm sure I'll be posting more updates throughout the summer. Have a great week! Thanks for reading.

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.
Proverbs 16:33

Monday, May 7, 2012

Finally Over

This incredibly stressful semester is finally over. The MCAT is finished. I just have to wait patiently for my scores. I didn't exactly get the grades this semester I was hoping for but with all that was going on I can't be too disappointed. I'm still at school, however, and have a track meet at the end of the week. I didn't perform very well at the conference meet last weekend, so hopefully I can improve this weekend and maybe even break a school record. I am mostly packed to go home and I have started my medical school application. I have two more days after today to get some things done before the meet on Thursday. As much as I want to go to the meet, I really wish I could go home. I wish I lived closer to school sometimes. Now I just have to focus on track, applying to medical school, and figuring out what I'm going to be doing all summer. I will also be going to the doctor to finally try to get this back fixed once I get home. That's pretty much all that's going on right now. Can't wait to get home! Thanks for reading.