Monday, December 17, 2012

Finally a Break...Sort of

I survived the semester.

As I expected, the last few weeks of school were extremely stressful, but I pushed through. I didn't do as well in my classes as I am used to, but my grades are about what I expected considering all of the circumstances. I was able to come home last Tuesday evening and relax with the family. I was very productive the next few days with shopping, wrapping gifts, reading, and working out, but I fell ill Saturday and am still trying to recover. I woke up with a fever this morning, but I am hoping to feel better soon. 

Although I am now home and I do not have classes to worry about, I am still a bit busy. All of my Christmas shopping is finished, but I still have other things I would like to accomplish. I am continuing to work on my honors project planning and I have a lot of reading to catch up on. I have also been in a great mood for baking, so feel free to stop by my house if you like funfetti cookies or mini apple pies. The great thing about break is that I am not on any type of time schedule. Though I may have things to do, it is up to me when I feel like accomplishing my tasks. 

Now that I have updated you on the boring stuff, I have some great news to share with you:

I have been invited to my first graduate school interview at MUSC!

I am very excited and cannot wait to visit the school in January. I will be missing some class, but I expected that to happen. Hopefully I make a good impression on the Admissions Committee and they think I am a good fit for their program. 

That's all I have. Merry Christmas! God bless. 

“Everything is possible for him who believes.”
Mark 9:23