Thursday, August 22, 2013

It's Getting Real

I know I haven't posted all summer, and that is because I took a break from basically everything. My graduation party was great, my vacation in Colorado was awesome, and I have been living in Tampa for a couple of weeks. I absolutely love it here. It is definitely hot and humid, and I'm looking forward to it cooling off a little, but it is definitely worth it to not have to experience another Midwest winter.

Orientation was this week, and it was a lot of information in a short amount of time. It was a little exhausting, but definitely interesting. I have met a lot of fantastic people so far and am looking forward to forming some really great relationships. I am getting really excited to start the program Monday!

I guess this would be a good time to explain the program I am in. I will be getting a PhD in Medical Sciences from the University of South Florida...eventually. The program will most likely take about five years to complete. The first semester is the craziest-I have intensive coursework and laboratory rotations. The rotations are made so I can test out some labs before I pick my mentor. If I pick a lab this semester (and the lab picks me), I can begin working as early as January. If I don't find one to my liking, I have until the end of summer before I absolutely must have a mentor. Once a mutual decision has been made, I will spend the rest of my time in the same place. As far as classwork goes, I should have all of it finished by the end of my second year. When that happens, I will take some really intense exams, and when I pass those, all I have to worry about is working on my own research project. Eventually, I will have to defend, or in other terms, present my project to important people in my field and answer their questions. If they are satisfied with my work, I will get my PhD. That is probably the most basic explanation I can give, especially for people who aren't really in to science. If you are interested in more details, I would be happy to discuss them personally with anyone.

Like I mentioned before, classes start Monday, and I am really excited. I also am in the process of setting up my lab rotations and am really looking forward to working with some great people. I have so much to learn and I am ready to absorb all the new information from my peers and mentors.

Good luck to everyone else starting new programs or returning to school! "...Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." -Joshua 1:9

Although I may be far away, please keep in touch! I'd love to hear how you all are doing! God bless.